Presenting Arabelli

I'm excited to present my "Arabelli" blog which is just one big portfolio of my Interior Design projects, Refurnished Furniture, Crafts, Dolls, and Parties. By doing this I hope to find my niche of what to do or sell on Etsy/ Ebay or maybe it will help give you all ideas for your home or gifts. It's named after my daughter, Arabella's nickname. Alot of this is for growth documenting purposes and as you will see, cakes and parties are not my strong point, but talents I hope to develop.

I'm going to add a Jewelry, Quilt and Art portfolio soon so stay tuned.

I also hope to write and illustrate a children's book series called "Ainsley Painsley Pudding and Pie" and make quietbooks to go along with the line, but it's mainly for Ainsley to remember all the crazy and cute things she did, but that probably won't be accomplished til I'm a grandma.

Enjoy looking around my portfolios and viewing my monthly projects.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Halloween Decor & Birthday Gifts

So another craft itch blog.  I just love Halloween so I got down and dirty and maybe scary for my family with all the crafting I did. :) 

 These were our little ghosties that we made out of milk jugs.  The tall one is an owl, but Ainsley calls it E.T. (her obsession lately which was a nightmare, but now he's her imaginary friend).

 Here's Mr. Bottle Bones.  He took about 6-7 milk jugs to make.  We got the idea from the Family Fun magazine on the internet which is saved on my pinterest boards.

 We made a little death trap out of rods from a broken shoe rack I had.  
The pumpkins were thanks to my Grandpa Neil.  Just spent too much time on costumes that we didn't get to paint and carve them, but we are going to make them into turkeys instead for Thanksgiving.

 My friend's little boy had a hat birthday themed party.  This was my hat.  $1 at the dollar store.  I made these bows and pins that will come off to use for other things.  

 I'll add these feathers for next year.  I really want to be a witch.  

 Sassy snake I made for Ainsley's friend's b-day party + gave her a pumpkin. I also made a super hero snake for my friends little boy, but I guess I forgot to take a pic.

 I played doctor Frankenstein and doctored up these old dolls. One of these were going to be for Ainsley's 6 yr. old friend, but Ainsley just loved them too much and well I liked them too, so they will be for Christmas and birthday probably. 

 This bendy doll was just wearing that pink shirt which was a skirt and some see through shirt and a bikini. DI has some weird dolls, but Ainsley liked her.  I called her Miss Frizzle because she had some frizzy hair going on.  Anyway with some scraps and some broken bling costume jewelry I had, I turned her into a caucasian Arabian/ India Princess or Jeanie and gave her a fancy sassy snake.


 I turned this broken headless barbie into a jeanie with a lamp, again with broken costume jewelry and scraps I had and of course some strong Rhino glue for the head.  I got the lamp from my neighbor when she was moving and I was going to bling up the lamp, but since Ainsley was going to get her I gave the lamp to my Primary Pres.   I think I'll use a little milk glass bottle from DI for a jeanie lamp.  

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