Presenting Arabelli

I'm excited to present my "Arabelli" blog which is just one big portfolio of my Interior Design projects, Refurnished Furniture, Crafts, Dolls, and Parties. By doing this I hope to find my niche of what to do or sell on Etsy/ Ebay or maybe it will help give you all ideas for your home or gifts. It's named after my daughter, Arabella's nickname. Alot of this is for growth documenting purposes and as you will see, cakes and parties are not my strong point, but talents I hope to develop.

I'm going to add a Jewelry, Quilt and Art portfolio soon so stay tuned.

I also hope to write and illustrate a children's book series called "Ainsley Painsley Pudding and Pie" and make quietbooks to go along with the line, but it's mainly for Ainsley to remember all the crazy and cute things she did, but that probably won't be accomplished til I'm a grandma.

Enjoy looking around my portfolios and viewing my monthly projects.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Ainsley's Strawberry Shortcake Birthday Party!

(Click on collage to enlarge)

I spent a month putting Ainsley's Strawberry Shortcake 4th Birthday party together in between doing and still doing a big project for a lady in my mom's ward (color booklets that I've talked about before). I think I had more fun doing and attending the party than Ainsley did.  I got too carried away doing crafts, dressing up and baking, but it was fun and here's what I did:

 I was Blueberry Muffin, Arabella was Lemon Merigue (she had to wear that ugly white wig because Ainsley had one- good thing I had another one from my HS spirit days) and Ainsley was of course Strawberry Shortcake! 
I made all with what I had except I bought my blue skirt, Ainsley's tights which was a shirt, and Ainsley's pink shoes from the DI. I had to go to a costume shop for my green striped tights and had to buy Ainsley's wig from and her foam green hat bill from Micheal's. All totaling maybe $25 when a child's size Strawberry Shortcake costume would cost $20-33 + $10-15 for the wig alone.

I made the cake which is the best cake I've ever attempted to make.  I used a Giant Cupcake pan for the bottom which I bought on for $25 a year ago and I used a large cupcake pan for the top.  I bought a $7 Wilton cupcake decorating kit at Walmart, OH! and I bought pink sprinkles of course and a candle.  I used Ainsley's Strawberry Shortcake doll from MacDonald's.

 I made the cupcake stands from items at DI and bought the polka dot cardboard one at Walmart for $2 after Valentine's Day.
I didn't have time to finish the other stands, but I would like them to look like the blue ones below.
Inspirtation craft pic.

I made a "Happy 4th Birthday Ainsley" banner from scrapbook paper I had.

I made this pinata out of cereal boxes, pink streamer $1, scrapbook paper, package tape $3, string, and print outs from which is where I got invitations, coloring pages, games and other decor. I filled the pinata with gummy treats, skittles and starburts. Beats the $20 castle pinata I saw at Walmart, plus I could customize it Strawberry Shortcake Style!

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