Presenting Arabelli

I'm excited to present my "Arabelli" blog which is just one big portfolio of my Interior Design projects, Refurnished Furniture, Crafts, Dolls, and Parties. By doing this I hope to find my niche of what to do or sell on Etsy/ Ebay or maybe it will help give you all ideas for your home or gifts. It's named after my daughter, Arabella's nickname. Alot of this is for growth documenting purposes and as you will see, cakes and parties are not my strong point, but talents I hope to develop.

I'm going to add a Jewelry, Quilt and Art portfolio soon so stay tuned.

I also hope to write and illustrate a children's book series called "Ainsley Painsley Pudding and Pie" and make quietbooks to go along with the line, but it's mainly for Ainsley to remember all the crazy and cute things she did, but that probably won't be accomplished til I'm a grandma.

Enjoy looking around my portfolios and viewing my monthly projects.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Joy School Valentine's Party

Ainsley has had lots of fun doing joy school. I was incharge of our Valentine's Party which was a lot of work, but it was fun. We did games, read Valentine books, made Valentines and crafts, watched a Valentine show at the end and decorated mini cupcakes while us Moms dug into the giant chocolate/strawberry cupcake.

Again don't judge the non-baker.
Hey it's just going to get eaten and poked at by the kids.
These little love bugs and animals were made from recycled egg cartons and the monkey from plastic plates (was a Valentine Holder).

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